Judge Jane L. Kelly - Suppresses First Amendment Activity, Violates Her Oath Of Office

Jane L. Kelly is a judge on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. In the below case, Judge Kelly expressly silenced a US citizen and violated First Amendment rights.

In this case, Defendants counsel made false assertions, hid discovery, used national tabloid and Twitter to falsely disparage a litigant actively in the course of litigation, used false disparaging Twitter and tabloid schemes to extort settlements, and engaged in a whole litany of litigation abuse. In response a litigant posted videos and websites charecterized as parody against the lawyers in the firm.

Most egregiously, Judge Kelly issued an order directing that the litigants First Amendment rights be violated where all websites and Youtube videos must be removed. Even worse, Judge Kelly issues conclusory and summary orders to violate the First Amendment in further attempts to hide misconduct. Judge Kelly engages in judicial abuse.

En Banc Petition

There is an En Banc petition filed described below. The videos are being republished here because we think the Court and anyone reading this petition should know how far the Court's overreach traveled in this case. The Court sanctioned a litigant and barred him from publishing the videos in total violation of the First Amendment. We are worried that Judge Kelly will continue to practice the same overreach. If Judge Kelly can't handle parody, while violating civil rights, what other rights will Judge Kelly violate? Judge Kelly violates his oath of office to protect and defend the United States Constitution. Judge Kelly is unfit for office.